7 Benefits of Eating Onions

Benefits of Eating Onions

Onions, also known as onions, onions, and shallots, belong to the family Liliaceae. The origin is in southwest Asia. It is cultivated throughout China. There are three varieties of onion: purple onion, white onion, and yellow onion, of which purple onion has higher nutritional value. Onion has been used as a vegetable for 5,000 years. In foreign countries, onion is known as the “Queen of Vegetables”. It is a frequent visitor on the table and has a high nutritional value. Onions can be eaten raw or cooked. In recent years, as people have further studied and found that onions have their unique health effects, today we will talk about the seven benefits of eating onions to the human body:

1. Onions have the effect of dilating blood vessels and protecting the heart.

Onions are rich in prostaglandin A, which is said to be the only food known to contain prostaglandin A, which is not found in other vegetables. Prostaglandin A is high in seafood, such as oysters, sea cucumbers, and wakame.

From this perspective, onions can be compared to seafood. What is the benefit of Prostaglandin A on the human body? Prostaglandin A has the effect of dilating blood vessels, which can smooth blood flow, protect the heart, and lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, eating onions often have dilated blood vessels, which can regulate blood lipids and blood pressure, and have a protective effect on the heart. At the same time, the allicin in the onion has the functions of sterilization, lowering blood fat and preventing coronary heart disease.

2. Onions can scavenge free radicals and delay aging

Onion has a strong antioxidant, selenium, which can remove free radicals from the body and has anti-aging effects. It has certain benefits for preventing tissue damage. When the human body is deficient in selenium, the myocardial function will be impeded, and Keshan disease is prone to occur. Therefore, it is recommended to eat onions to remove free radicals, delay aging, and prevent Keshan disease.

3. Onions have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects

Onions, green onions and garlic are all of the family Liliaceae. They are a family of anti-cancer families. They are characterized by a special spicy taste. They all contain a substance that is disulfide and has anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects.

4. Onions can effectively control blood sugar

Selenium is an important component of glutathione peroxidase in the body and is also an active ingredient. It can prevent oxidative destruction of islet β cells, promote sugar metabolism, effectively control blood sugar, and improve symptoms of diabetes. Quercetin and tolbutamide in onions are similar organic substances and can also lower blood sugar, so it is recommended to eat onions as a good choice for diabetics.

5. Onions can prevent cataracts

Some people say that eating onions every day is not a cataract. This sentence is unscientific, too absolute. Because foreigners eat onions every day, they also have cataracts. We can only say that selenium in onions can prevent eye aging, so it is recommended to take rich often. Selenium-containing foods have a certain effect on the prevention of cataracts.

Some people worry that selenium will be lost, and let everyone popularize chemical knowledge. Selenium is not afraid of high temperature. We know that the element does not destroy the law, and the element does not exist with heating, including potassium and magnesium.

Benefits of Eating Onions

6. Onions don't make people fat

Because onions contain a small amount of oligofructose, oligofructose is a Bifidus factor, which is found in many yogurts. The bifidus factor can double the value of the intestinal bifidobacteria, improve the intestinal flora and stimulate intestinal peristalsis. Helps clear intestinal waste. The oligofructose is difficult to be absorbed by the body. It has been determined that the energy produced by oligofructose is less than 1.5 kcal per gram and the energy is very low. Therefore, eating onions often does not make people fat.

7. Onions can also prevent osteoporosis

Oligofructose has the effect of promoting mineral absorption. Swiss scientists have found that oligofructose is fermented in the large intestine to produce lactic acid, which can dissolve minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron. Experiments have confirmed that oligofructose promotes the absorption rate of calcium to 70.8 %. Oligofructose promotes growth and osteoporosis.

Although onions have so many benefits, they must pay attention to the number of onions when eating onions. It is recommended to eat 70-80 grams per day, which is less than half a plate. If you want to achieve the effect of blood pressure lowering and lowering fat, it is recommended to eat raw, because the active ingredients of raw food will not be destroyed by heat. Cardiovascular patients eat half an onion a day to protect the heart. Such as black fungus mixed with onions. For people with poor gastrointestinal function, it is not recommended to eat raw.

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