Meditate for Fear and Anxiety

Living in the modern world puts people under constant stress. As a result, a state of mental discomfort is formed, which is difficult to get rid of, which leads to constant anxiety, psychological and physical problems. Meditation for fear and anxiety will help overcome emotional distress and anxiety.

5 meditations to help relieve stress and anxiety

It is no secret that meditation is effective when you need to restore calm, cope with anxiety states. However, when it comes to combating phobias, relieving fears, getting rid of serious psychological states, meditation from fear and anxiety remains an affordable means. Today, we will talk about several meditations that help with anxiety disorder, which contribute to falling asleep and relieving conditions that cause fear.

The fire relieves anxiety

For meditation, you need a candle. The best option would be a decorative aromatic candle, but since the main thing is fire, in the absence of such a candle, anyone will fit.

The room you need to choose a secluded so that no one interferes, not distracting. The room should be furniture, which is convenient to sit. Before starting the meditation, the room should be darkened - close the curtains, turn off the lights.

Light a candle and take a relaxed pose. Listen to your physical sensations. If you feel the tension in the body, try to relax the muscles - if necessary, massage them.

Look at the fire, watch for the flapping of the tongue of flame, enjoy the spectacle. The fire burns negative energy, helps to remove anxieties and fears, gives peace.

Keep a contemplative state, try to turn off unnecessary thoughts. Mentally plunge into the heat of the flame of a candle and feel how alarms gradually dissolve. Breathe deeply, evenly slowly, listening to the sensation of each inhalation and exhalation. Such breathing will help you to enter a meditative state. Stay in it until you feel that the spiritual balance is restored, but do not leave it earlier than in 15 minutes.

Stress Relieving Dance

The body is a great helper in any condition. The benefits of dance are well known. It improves physical fitness, mood. In an effort to reset negative emotions and switch off anxiety, you can, in principle, use any dance. However, not every dance is used as a meditation for excitement and anxiety.

For meditation choose the music of words. To enter the desired state, go to the middle of the room, close your eyes, align your breath - it should be deep, smooth. Turn on the music, causing a positive response in the soul. It is better if this music will simply be liked, without evoking specific memories, extraneous thoughts.

Immerse yourself in the melody, feel the music pass through the body, move, embodying it in the movements as you feel. If emotional, rhythmic music is chosen, do not be afraid to make free, maximally liberated movements. Jumps are great for this if they fit the music and sensations. If you wish, you can sing along or cry out. The only thing that is harmful in meditation is words with negative overtones, curses.

Mandala as a way to treat stress

Mandala in the original sense - a geometric pattern or design that holds sacred meaning and is used in Eastern practices. But this word is also used in a simplified sense - as a geometric pattern consisting of a set of elements. Attitude to meditative practices is the most direct - contemplating particles of an ordered pattern, consciousness enters a meditative state.

Mandalas are available material for meditation. You can use the usual mandala drawings for coloring, sold in a bookstore, and you can find analogs on the Internet and print.

As in any meditation, you need to choose a time and place where you will not be distracted and not disturbed. This may be a secluded room or a park bench (if the weather permits).

Before proceeding, prepare colored pencils and a mandala to be painted. For a few minutes, contemplate the outline of the drawing, representing what value it can carry. After that, proceed to color.

No need to come up with a coloring system, choose colors in advance, be guided by any recommendations on their compatibility. The whole process of selection and combination of colors, the sequence of coloring should go as you feel at this moment, and you should only trust your own heart.

Focus only on the mandala, and in the process of painting, you will enter a state of meditation. Having finished drawing, you will feel a feeling of peace and pacification, you will experience positive emotions that will help to resist fears and anxieties.


It is a mistake to assume that meditation is possible only in a limited space, in solitude, immobility. Walking through the places that cause pleasant and calm sensations can be considered to be no less a meditation that protects from stress. To achieve maximum efficiency, it is important to consider a number of points:

  • Only natural landscapes are suitable for a meditative walk - forests, parks, squares;
  • Walks on noisy streets do not carry a meditative component;
  • The step should be calm, unhurried;
  • Thoughts of deeds and anxieties should be deliberately postponed.

Concentrate on the elements of the landscape, look at the trees, plants, and flowers, inhale their fragrance, trying to enjoy their beauty and perfection. Behold the landscape bestowed by nature at this particular time of year.

Walking, you will enter meditation for half an hour. To get the full effect of it, get ready for a walk in advance - dress for the weather and try to choose the time so as not to fall, for example, in the rain if you don’t like to walk under it.

Tune in to what you want to give yourself all the time devoted to the walk. If you walk in the rain during the cold season, walk under an umbrella for at least 10 minutes, and under light or warm rain - up to half an hour or more. Such walks have their own special effect, liberating and purifying the mind. Rejoice in the rain, enjoy and be inspired by its elements, and after returning home, make yourself hot tea.

Body Exercises

When it comes to stress meditation, ordinary daily gymnastics is not appropriate. There are several complexes that have a beneficial effect in dealing with fears and anxieties. Among them:


Choosing a method of salvation from negative states and disturbing thoughts, think what is closer to you, more interesting. And remember that the correct way is the one to which the soul lies.