Facts about Spinach Benefits

Spinach leaves are one of the most beloved elements of many cuisines in the world. Spinach is a leaf vegetable, which has few calories, is distinguished by a large number of vitamins and antioxidants, and also it pleases with a neutral taste, due to which you can add it to different products.

Spinach has been known for a long time, people read this leafy vegetable in ancient times.

For many years it was believed that he was the richest source of iron among a variety of foods. Sources of different claimed differently, but on average it turned out that spinach contains about 35 milligrams of iron per 100 grams of the product. It was only after many years that it became known that this was a mistake. The fact is that the researcher who was studying the spinach lost a comma before the results. In fact, 100 grams of spinach contains from 2.7 to 3.5 mg of iron, not more. Of course, this number is much less than the amount specified earlier, but this is not at all small. When eating 100 grams of spinach, a person gets a quarter of the norm of iron required per day.

Main benefits of spinach

Another advantage of spinach is that this product is very "light" in calories. It is only 23 kcal per 100 grams, but at the same time, it has enough fiber. Nutritionists advise to use it to anyone who wants to lose weight. After all, with small caloric content, it is able to provide a good sense of saturation of the body. Among other things, it helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, which is also important.

Fresh or frozen spinach leaves are also rich in vitamins A and C, these are vital antioxidant vitamins. These leaves are also rich in bioflavonoids lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene. Such soybean of the connections perfectly fights free radicals, can improve vision and help fine fight cancer cells.

Vitamin K in one hundred grams of spinach contains more than four daily allowances. This vitamin helps in the process of strengthening bones, promotes the growth of bone tissue. Also, vitamin K helps to reliably protect nerve cells from damage, but in our time it is very important.

There are in the leaves of spinach and B vitamins, among which is folic acid. They contain magnesium, manganese and potassium, copper, zinc, and magnesium. The latter is very necessary for the synthesis of enzymes. They are able to regulate the growth and synthesis of enzymes, and in addition, they allow to produce healthy sperm and take care of digestion.

What is the use of spinach?

The benefits of spinach are incredible, it is added to dietary dishes, used as decorations for salads and side dishes. Adults and children love spinach, which has a very good effect on their health. But, despite such benefits, there are some limitations in using it. For example, people with poor blood clotting spinach is contraindicated because it contains large amounts of vitamin K. It is undesirable to use it and all those who take anticoagulants. So if you have similar problems, before you use spinach, you need to consult a doctor.

It is also very important to note that in the spinach composition there is oxalic acid. And it is known for its negative property to promote the formation of stones in some urolithiasis. And goitrogens in spinach can be dangerous for people who suffer from diseases of the thyroid gland.

Spinach can be bought fresh or frozen. You can pamper yourself with fresh spinach only in summer, in the winter it is not easy to find it fresh, so it’s safe to choose spinach in the winter and frozen. Many people express concerns when buying frozen food. With regard to spinach, all concerns can be discarded, since deep freezing contributes to the preservation of virtually all its beneficial substances.

Most often, this salad is eaten fresh raw - added to salads, sandwiches, even squeezed juice. In the heat treatment process, the antioxidant properties of the product will be much less. But, nevertheless, I use it for cooking soups, they are added to fish, to meat, to garnishes. Delicious spinach added to pasta or rice, use for baking. Perfectly combines spinach with eggs and fish. Often made from spinach sauce, it has a characteristic green color. By the way, it is spinach that is often used to make pasta or green pastry. This natural dye will not cause rejection of the body, and its neutral taste does not spoil the main taste of the dish.

Do not deny yourself spinach

Do not be afraid of frozen foods. Nowadays, it is very hard to find high-quality, healthy and at the same time, tasty dishes, it can be said simply impossible. In the market, we are witnessing continuous semi-finished products, a lot of baking, canned products. And the body needs fresh, healthy and vitamin-rich foods. They are usually difficult to find, and even at an affordable price.

Eating exotic fruits is expensive, ordinary vegetables in winter are completely tasteless and to some extent can be dangerous. And spinach frozen in this regard is a great option to diversify and enrich your diet. Find a lot of interesting recipes with the addition of this product is not difficult. And due to the taste of spinach, it is so easy to learn to love! Therefore, enter it into your diet, and your body will definitely be grateful for it!