White Cabbage | Benefit And Harm

White Cabbage Benefits

Cabbage is eaten almost all year round — fresh in summer, and salted and sour in winter. Our ancestors knew a lot about its healing properties and instilled in us a tradition to eat it widely. But do we really know well what cabbage is useful for, because it contains not only many essential vitamins and fiber but also carotene, sulfur, and other rare substances?

Along with the beneficial properties of this vegetable can be harmful, so we touch on both sides of the coin and tell you about the benefits and harms of cabbage.

Nutrients in Cabbage

Cabbage contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which is stored both in its fresh form and harvested for the future. That is why small daily portions of sauerkraut are necessary for sailors to prevent scurvy. Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases the selectivity of the permeability of cell membranes, and therefore fights well against infectious diseases of different etiologies. Do not underestimate the effect of vitamin C on the hematopoietic system.

The rich content of ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calming it. It is noticed that when eating fresh cabbage leaves fatigue.

Vitamin C, in the body, controls the mechanism of construction, it needs every cell of any organ, so an adult, it requires about 70 mg per day. Of course, the body cannot provide itself with the production of such a large amount of ascorbic acid and needs food that is rich in vitamin C. It is cabbage that is a treasure trove of this vitamin and can satisfy the daily needs of the body.

Also, ascorbic is a good antioxidant, and due to the frequent use of cabbage, the body gets rid of excess substances and free radicals. There is another well-known antioxidant in cabbage juice - carotene, so cabbage can be safely called the product of youth.

Contains cabbage and other vitamins, for example, a rare representative of U, which is opposed to inflammatory processes in the stomach. There is in it a vitamin complex of group B, also E, PP, N. Such a vitamin collection improves the function of the endocrine glands, helps to resist stress and strengthens the immune processes.

The presence of sulfur in cabbage causes an increase in the body's resistance to infections. Apply the effect of sulfur and for cosmetic purposes. By systematically rubbing the skin of the face with fresh cabbage juice, you can get rid of acne and blackheads. Cabbage, along with the useful properties described, has contraindications:

  • You can not eat it in patients with gastritis, especially with high acidity. Cabbage juice activates the work of the gastric glands and the acid comes even more.
  • Activation of the glands can cause exacerbation of pancreatitis.
  • Substances from fiber promote bloating, so cabbage is excluded from the diet of a nursing mother.

Is Cabbage Good for Weight Loss?

Cabbage is widely used in diets, not only because of its vitamin complex but also because its main composition is fiber, that is, fibers that cannot be broken down. The body chooses only all the nutrients from the cabbage and removes fiber in an unchanged form.

An important plus of fiber in diets and that it makes the intestines work properly and actively. After all, it is only with well-coordinated work, so to speak, of the mechanism, that the cells receive the necessary nutrients and do not seek to postpone them, but fully use them as energy. But if a malfunction occurs and the intestine stagnates, then the absorption of nutrients suffers, the body loses something and seeks to stock up, such disharmony leads to the appearance of extra pounds.

What is Harmful in Cabbage?

Harm from white cabbage is not so much, if you follow the rules of its use and, most importantly, control the amount. However, it is worth mentioning the possible consequences that may arise in people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, suffering from diseases of the pancreas, such as acute or chronic pancreatitis, there may be various kinds of exacerbations, so doctors do not recommend the use of cabbage, especially in raw form.

Also, raw white cabbage should be consumed in moderate quantities to avoid bloating, colitis and flatulence, especially those who, due to problems with their teeth, are not able to process it sufficiently well enough in the oral cavity.

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